About Us
Born and founded in Dubai in 2012 - inspired by the vision and achievements of the amazing people of UAE. Our company wasfounded on the principles of serving the people and being an integral part ofthe community in all aspects of it, be it music, education, sports, or health.
Today admiral world isone of the leading retailers and servicing companies in the UAE and beyond witha portfolio of the world’s finest brands in music, sports and recreation.

Our Mission
Our mission is to promote healthy lifestyle and sports in the UAE and GCC by providing innovative solutions that integrate fun and health.

Our Vision
We wish to see a healthy society and healthy growing generation where there is a perfect balance of the time on the phone, outdoor activities, sport and family.

Our Values
In our business, our Staff come first and then our customers and products. We strongly believe that by having happy, satisfied and motivated staff you make sure the same transfers to your customer and the care for the business.
ADW SPORTS is a destination for all things sports, health, fun, education and innovation. As part of the growing health-concious community, we want to make our contribution by offering the best in quality and affordable fitness and gym equipments, build a platform for exchange of knowledge and information on various health and fitness topics and last but not least inspire people to live healthy and fun life.